17 Nisan 2017 Pazartesi

Karacabey's Red Kapya Pepper is Special


It is also called pepper, which is a pepper with red color and is not bitter but a meaty pepper. This pepper is a complete drug store. This pepper, containing C ,K and P vitamins, is very effective and beneficial on human health. It has preventive and healing effects on diseases. There are many benefits of pepper Kapya


  • There is a sexual desire enhancing feature
  • It regulates the digestive system and makes it easy for the victim to get rid of the stomach laziness
  • Reduces stress and soothes nerves.
  • Killing microbes in the body is also very effective.
  • It has cholesterol-lowering effect.
  • Rheumatism helps relieve aches.
  • It has an appetizing property.
  • It prevents the formation of vascular occlusion and prevents accumulation of gas in the stomach.
  • Helps prevent diarrhea.
  • It is good for bronchitis and similar respiratory diseases. It opens the airways.
  • It has a significant effect in the prevention of prostate cancer.
  • Arranges blood circulation
  • It prevents inflammation in the joints.
  • Stomach breast bladder is effective against lung cancer of the lungs.
  • Increase sweating.
  • The endorphin hormone secretes and gives a feeling of happiness.
Why Karacabey Capia Pepper 

In the province of Karacabey, in 2016, 10.000 decares of pepper were planted in the field and an average of 25.000 tons of crops were harvested. Successful production techniques and production experience have been a big influence on the progress of our production in our province.

Capia pepper in traditional consumption; It was known as a product with only a certain market value at certain periods with the reason that it was quite meaty and high in dry matter, exhibited an attractive glossy plastic appearance, and was used by local people for tomato paste consumption. Nowadays, with the development of the processing sector, especially with special consumer demands due to the fact that consumers have information about the taste and nutritional value of pepper, they are added to consumer preferences as chilled pepper, oiled pepper, pepper paste with garlic sauce, pepper paste and pepper paste so there are significant increases in the production of cappia pepper in the province of Karacabey.

Wide cultivation areas,
Fruit flavor and flavor
Dry matter rate
Production experience
Makes our rival Karacabey different.

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